"Let's model me a mine"
Mining & Exploration Geological Modelling Services
You can label intervals within MEGS_Log with a sample number.
Different intervals within the one borehole can have the same sample number and the sample numbers don't need to be in any particular order down the whole.
You can print a table of sample numbers for a particular whole. This may be useful for physically labelling the samples.
Sample numbers can consist of any printable characters, letters, numbers and other symbols. However, MEGS_Log can recognise sample numbers with a particular format. When MEGS_Log recognises a sample number format it can automate some actions such as relabelling or reordering the sample numbers.
Sample numbers that MEGS_Log recognise are in the format [A]B[C], where:
Digits in the sample number prefix must be separated from the digits in the sample number proper by one or more non-digit characters.
Some examples of sample numbers that MEGS_Log recognises:
Sample numbers do not have to comply with the above format, however some of sample number tools provided in MEGS_Log may not be available, or may not work correctly.