"Let's model me a mine"
Mining & Exploration Geological Modelling Services
The Tools menu offers the following commands:
Relabel Sample Numbers | Automatically relabel or resequence sample numbers. |
Create Boundaries | Enters Create Boundary mode. Existing units can be split into two, or new units can be created below the current bottom of the hole. |
Pick & Drag | Enters Pick and Drag mode. Boundaries between units can be adjusted with the mouse. |
Set Rock | Enters Set Rock mode. Unit rock types and proportions can be changed. |
Merge | Enters Merge mode. Units can be combined together. |
Insert | Enters Insert mode. New units can be inserted. |
Set Base Depth | Enters Set Base Depth mode. Boundaries between units can be adjusted with the keyboard. |
Correlate | Enters Correlate mode. The seam and ply associated with a unit can be changed. |
Delete | Enters Delete mode. Units can be deleted. |
Normal | Enters Normal mode. This is the basic operating mode of MEGS_Log. |
Options | Change MEGS_Log options. |
The following sub-topics are available: