This following information is intended for system administrators rather than
end users. End users should change MEGS_Log settings using the various
dialog boxes (particularly the
Options dialog box) that are documented
Note that an incorrect change to the registry could render your computer
inoperable. It is recommended that you back-up the registry before you attempt
to make any changes. Consult your system documentation for further
Note that many aspects of MEGS_Log configuration, such as the hatches
available for display, the mapping from hatches to rocktypes, the lists of
seams and plies available for correlation and the default settings for display
of each geophysical trace are dealt with through the
configuration file.
The presence and data of the
value is checked during application startup. If it contains 1
(as a REG_DWORD) then MEGS_Log is run in
Client mode. In client mode,
the configuration file is loaded only from the directory that contains
the MEGS_Log application executable, and editing of MEGS_log configuration
is prevented.
(MEGS_Log 3.3 is a 32 bit application and hence uses the 32 bit view of the
registry on 64 bit versions of Windows. On 64 bit Windows the name of the
above registry key is
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\MEGMS\MEGS_Log 3.0\ClientMode.)
Other MEGS_Log v3.3 settings are currently only saved under the
registry key. These other registry settings are therefore user specific.
MEGS_Log 3.3 generall uses the same registry keys as MEGS_Log 3.0, 3.1
and 3.2. However, the "root" MEGS_Log registry location and the various
sub-keys and values may change from MEGS_Log version to version and even
from build to build within a version.
Default registry key settings are created during application installation.
Similar defaults are hard-coded within the application code in the event that
the registry key cannot be read on application start-up.
AlwaysAsk (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the user
is to be asked every time a CSV file is opened or saved for the options to
Escape (REG_DWORD): The ASCII value of
the character to use to start an escape sequence.
HeadingRows (REG_DWORD): The number of
heading rows to skip or output for CSV import or export.
InGeneralLocation (REG_DWORD): Indicates the
location of record level data relative to element level records. One of the
0: The record for interval level data appears before the element records
(if any).
1: The record for interval level data appears after the element records
(if any).
2: There is no interval level record.
IntervalRocktype (REG_SZ): Name of the rocktype
to use for unit level data.
QuoteQuoting (REG_DWORD): Indicates how quotes
are handled within field data. One of the following:
0: A quote character in the data is represented by two quotes in a row.
1: A quote character in the data is marked using the escape character.
2: The quote character is passed "bare" in the field's data. Note that
this may result in the creation of files that cannot be subsequently
correctly imported.
QuotingStyle (REG_DWORD): Indicates how
record separators (commas) within a field's data are treated. One of the
0: The record separator is passed "bare" in the field's data. This is only
relevant for output as a record seperator character in the data field cannot
be distinguished from an actual record separator - the import will fail.
1: The data field is enclosed within double quotes (").
2: The data field is enclosed in single quotes (').
Schema (REG_SZ): Name of the schema to use
for import or export.
Supress100LithPercent (REG_DWORD): Indicates
whether lithology percentages of 100 should be written to the file. One of the
0: A value is always written to the CSV file. This is the behaviour
in earlier versions of MEGS_Log
1: When the lithology percentage is 100 then the corresponding field in
the CSV file is left empty.
This option is not available through the CSV options dialog. It may need to
be set if strict validation against the CoalLog maximum field width for
the lithology percentage field is being carried out.
Options around importing and exporting Prolog version 2.1 and 3.0 files,
generally corresponding to the settings available through the
Prolog options tab of the Options Dialog
AlwaysAsk (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the user
is to be asked every time a Prolog file is opened or saved for the options to
InGeneralLocation (REG_DWORD): In earlier
version of MEGS_Log this indicates the location of interval level records
relative to element level records. The only valid value for Prolog files
is 1 (interval level records appear after the element level records. This
field is not used in MEGS_Log 3.2 and later.
IntervalRocktype (REG_SZ): Name of the rocktype
to use for unit level data.
Schema (REG_SZ): Name of the schema to use
for import or export.
AlwaysAsk (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the user
is to be asked every time a Prolog 4.x file is opened for the options to
use. This setting is currently ignored.
IntervalRocktype (REG_SZ): Name of the rocktype
to use for new unit level data.
DeduceSchema (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the
schema to use for loading a Prolog 4 is to be deduced from the file's
Schema (REG_SZ): Name of the schema to use
for loading a Prolog 4 file. This setting is only relevant if the schema
is not being deduced from the file's contents.
General MEGS_Log options.
AlwaysAsk (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the user
should be asked for a schema every time a new borehole is created. See the
Always Ask setting.
CustomColours (REG_BINARY): Storage for the
sixteen custom colours defined by the user using the
Colour dialog box.
DefaultSchema (REG_SZ): Name of the default
schema to use when creating new boreholes. See the
Default Schema setting.
BoreFilter (REG_DWORD): File filter to use by
default for the Open dialog boxes when opening a borehole. One of the
1: Use the Prolog filter by default (Prolog files (*.*))
2: Use the CSV filter by default (CSV files (*.csv))
3: Use the Prolog 4.x filter by default (Prolog version 4
files (*.prolog)). This value is not valid for versions of MEGS_Log prior
to 3.2.
BorePath (REG_SZ): Name of the directory that
contained the last borehole either opened or saved. Used to initialise the
Open and Save As dialog boxes.
CorrelationSite (REG_SZ): Which set of
seams and plies to use for correlation. Must correspond to a site defined
in the configuration file.
HatchList (REG_SZ): Which set of hatches to
use and the mapping of hatches to rocktypes. Must correspond to a hatchlist
defined in the configuration file.
LasPath (REG_SZ): Name of the directory that
contained the last geophysical trace opened. Use to initialise the Open Trace
dialog box.
LogoFilter (REG_DWORD): One based index of
the filter to use by default when browsing for a logo file
from the Page Setup dialog box.
LogoPath (REG_SZ): Name of the directory that
contained the last logo file used in the Page
Setup dialog box. Use to initialise the Select Logo File dialog box.
SaveBackups (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if a
copy of each borehole file with a .backup extension is to be created before the
original borehole file is overwritten with new data.
SaveSettings (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the
MEGS_Log registry keys are to be updated with current application settings on
application exit. In general, this only applies to settings that can be
configured by the user through the Options dialog
box, other settings are updated regardless.
ShowSplash (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if an
introductory dialog box is to be shown at application start-up.
WindowPlacement (RG_BINARY): MEGS_Log main
window placement (size, position and restore state) data in a system defined
Internal dialog box and application state settings.
PreviewPages (REG_DWORD): Number of pages to
display in PrintPreview - either 1 or 2.
Settings relating to the MEGS_Log display, many of which correspond to
settings available through the View tab or
the Fonts tab of the Options dialog
DisplayPrecision (REG_DWORD): Number of decimal
places to use when displaying depths - see the
Depth Display
Precision setting.
TraceRangePrecision (REG_DWORD): Number of
decimal places to use when displaying the minimum and maximum range of each
geophysical trace at the bottom of each trace field - see the
Range Display Precision setting.
FineScroll (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the
Fine Scroll setting is on.
MinimumThickness (REG_SZ): Minimum
thickness that a unit can be set to using the mouse. This option is not
currently configurable by the user, and should be set to zero to avoid
problems with zero thickness units.
ProjectName (REG_SZ): Project name for
optional display in print title blocks - see the
Project Name setting.
Scale (REG_SZ): Current display scale, where
the value of the string is x in the scale expression 1:x - see the
Scale setting.
ShowFilteredTraces (REG_DWORD): Non-zero
if the Filter Traces
setting is on.
ShowRuler (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the
Ruler setting is on.
ShowSampleNumbers (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if
the Show Sample Numbers
setting is set to show sample numbers.
LinkScrolling (REG_DWORD): Non zero if the
Link Scrollbar setting is
InsertMode (REG_DWORD): Non-zero if the
Insert Mode is Insert, zero if
the Insert Mode is Overwrite.
Tolerance (REG_DWORD): The inverse of the
Depth Tolerance setting - ie. if the value
of the registry key is 100 then the Depth Tolerance is actually
0.01 metres.
GeneralFont-FaceName (REG_SZ): Name of the
General text font, used for the
labels at the bottom of the borehole and the borehole title above each
GeneralFont-Height (REG_SZ): Size of the
General text font. This does not have to be a whole number.
GeneralFont-Style (REG_SZ): Style of the
General text font. This can be either empty (the font has no particular
style) or one or both of the following:
BottomMargin (REG_SZ): Width of the bottom
margin in millimetres.
TopMargin (REG_SZ): Width of the top
margin in millimetres.
LeftMargin (REG_SZ): Width of the left
margin in millimetres.
RightMargin (REG_SZ): Width of the right
margin in millimetres.
LeftText (REG_SZ): Text for the lower left
hand print title box.
RightText (REG_SZ): Text for the lower right
hand print title box.
TopText (REG_SZ): Text for the top print
title box.
MiddleText (REG_SZ): Text for the middle print
title box. If blank, the middle title box is not displayed.
PageCols (REG_DWORD): Number of columns to
display on each page. Each column can contain up to two borehole fields and
up to three trace fields.
ShowBoreholes (REG_DWORD): Indicates which
boreholes to display in each print column. If bit one (the least significant
bit) is set to one then the left borehole will be printed, if bit two is
set to one then the right borehole will be displayed.
ShowTraces (REG_DWORD): Indicates which
trace fields to display in each print column. If bits one to three are
set to one then trace fields one to three will be printed respectively.
MaxBoreWidth (REG_SZ): Maximum width in
millimetres of the borehole fields in a print-out.
MaxTraceWidth (REG_SZ): Maximum width in
millimetres of the trace fields in a print-out.
Licence related settings
Licence settings, including those from the
Licence Information dialog box. These
settings are kept under the
key, common to all versions of MEGS_Log.
MEGS_Log 3.3 (REG_SZ): The licence key, as
provided during setup or via the Help >
Licence command.
Old MEGS_Log 3.3 (REG_SZ): The previous
licence key.
MEGS_Log 3.3-response (REG_SZ): The
most recent response received from the licence activation server.