The Schema Editor dialog box allows you to edit the
schemas used in MEGS_Log. A schema is
the list of data fields assocatied with each element in a borehole.
Changes to schemas only affect boreholes that are loaded after any
changes are made. Boreholes that are already loaded retain the
schema settings that were in place at the time they were loaded.
Schemas: Select the schema to edit.
Schemas shown in red in this list are not valid schemas.
Add new: Add a new schema. You
will be prompted with the New Schema Dialog Box for the name to use
to identify the schema. This name must be unique amongst the list of
Within the New Schema dialog box, you
can use the Copy settings from checkbox
and drop down list to select an existing schema to copy across to the
new schema.
Import: Import a new schema from a file.
You will be prompted with the Import Schema
dialog box for the details of the file to import.
Delete: Delete the selected schema.
Rename: Rename the selected
schema. The new name for the schema must be unique amongst the
list of schemas.
Messages: Click to show a brief
explanation for why the currently selected schema is regarded as
invalid. This button is only available when an invalid schema
is selected.
Fields: Lists the fields
present within the selected schema. Select the field that
you would like to edit. The order of fields in the list is significant
- it determines the order of fields in CSV files and in Prolog files.
Add: Add a new field to the schema.
You will be prompted for the name and type of the new field.
Move up: Move the selected field up in
the list of fields.
Move down: Move the selected field
down in the list of fields.
Delete: Delete the selected field
from the list.
Edit: Change the name and/or type
of the selected field.
Changes made to the schemas are saved to the users MEGS_Log
configuration file when you click the Ok